BUSLEAGUE RESULTS New Layer The main results of the BUSLeague project can be grouped into: Recognition of skills, Awareness raising, Capacity building & upskilling, Legislative & financing chhanges, Ethnographic & educational technology research. RESULTS ABOUT BUSLEAGUE New Layer BUSLeague is a 30 month-long project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework programme which started in September 2020.

BUSLeague focusses on a blend of four elements: mutual recognition of energy skills, awareness raising, capacity building and legislative changes.
TEASER VIDEO New Layer The teaser video of the H2020 project BUSLeague is ready! Enjoy a quick overview of the project and join our league! WATCH NOW

BUSLeague is dedicated to stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector

Results of the BUSLeague project

Results of the BUSLeague project

The results achieved during the project’s lifetime can be described as follows: Ethnographic research on energy efficiency skills in construction was carried out in 6 countries, with valuable insights to guide the project’s implementation. A qualification framework...

BUSLeague ethnographic research

BUSLeague ethnographic research

BUSLeague is dedicated to stimulating demand for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Skills (EE Skills) in the construction sector. In search for solutions to challenges found in existing markets for EE Skills, BUSLeague decided to put special emphasis on people....

BUSLeague storytelling collection

BUSLeague storytelling collection

Stories are very powerful ways to share knowledge as the narratives also enable to share more tacit aspects of knowledge, norms and values. They help to better understand each other’s perspective and will contribute to building trust and commitment within the...


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