The BUSLeague team has prepared a document which aims to prepare for the implementation of personal and mutual recognition between member states on energy skills.
The practical implementation processes concerned, governance structures, GDPR compliance and IT requirements for implementation of the developed recognition in each member state, has been inventoried and assessed on their usability.
From the IT element, our aim is to build on the ongoing NEWCOM project and Build Up Skills advisor Application (smartphone app). This includes a smart mobile web application to locate and recognise the ‘skilled’ workforce for the demand side.
In order to establish the personal recognition in each country based on the outcomes of the inventory, a draft process for assigning and storing personal recognition is proposed.
The methodology employed in this report was to first ascertain each partner’s current personal recognition system for knowledge, skills and competences and then plot how we could meet a mutual recognition target between each country. Some countries showed potential for mutual recognition of some micro-trainings while others would need more support regarding the many obstacles identified. The six EU countries participating in BUSLeague are the Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Ireland and Spain.
In conclusion, this report has found, through desk research and through interviewing key partners firstly representing their own country’s recognition systems and secondly projecting what a mutual recognition system might look like, (see appendices for country by country visual forecast), that a mutual recognition system based on a methodology similar to or indeed actually, the BUS app would be appropriate for BUSLeague.
Take up and awareness of the BUS app is typically low across partner countries excluding the Netherlands, where it is more widely used. The low take up or awareness in Ireland, Austria, Spain, France and Bulgaria is a challenge for BUSLeague but if partners can pilot short learnings through BUSLeague ULOs and document these on the BUS app platform, where each partner can update and maintain the platform as administrators through time allocations in the BUSLeague programme, then the concept could be proven, in turn making it easier to encourage participation of key stakeholders such as government bodies, without whom, it is thought, long term the system could not be maintained.
It is also worth noting that the BUSLeague app is active in the BUSGoCircular (circular economy skills in construction), SEEtheSkills (recognition of prior learning and EE-skills) and Arise (digitalisation and gamification in construction skills including the use of crypto currency) Horizon funded projects meaning that it will have more significance and build relevance over the coming 3 years.