Public procurement is a strategic instrument for each Member State, as it can significantly influence the market. By using “Green Public Procurement (GPP)”, public authorities can provide industry with real incentives for upskilling, and other stakeholders with the confidence they need to upgrade their buildings. Yet, public procurement is currently not widely used to support energy efficiency upskilling.
The BUSLeague team has published a report called: Main barriers to incorporate “Energy efficiency/nZEB” training clause into Public Procurement. This document summarises the main challenges faced by public bodies who want to use public procurement to better incentivise energy efficiency upskilling. It was developed based on desk research, one-to-one meetings and six national workshops organised in Austria, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain between February and July 2021. The content of this report will inform the BUSLeague project partners’ work in relation to the development of useful and usable energy efficiency/nZEB training clauses. These clauses will be piloted in these six member states in 2021-2022.
We invite you to read the full report called “D3.1 Main barriers to incorporate “Energy efficiency/nZEB” training clause into Public Procurement” that you can find at this link: click HERE.
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